Security and privacy

Our online store ensures maximum confidentiality and security of your personal information while visiting our website, because we highly value your trust.

When registering on the site, you accept the terms of the security and privacy policy.

Here are some examples of the types of personal information that may be required and how we may use it:

  1. Personal information. When registering on the site, you will be asked to fill out a registration form, which requires you to provide personal information such as your full name, product delivery address, email address and telephone number. Your personal information collected upon registration (or at any other time) is primarily used to prepare Products or Services to meet your needs. Your information will not be shared with third parties under any circumstances.
  2. Purchase information. When you purchase a product or service on, we collect your name and payment method information.
  3. Statistical information. We collect statistical information about our users, such as IP addresses, unique visitors, and so on.
  4. Our website and its subdomains use cookies and visitor data from Google Analytics.
    Using this data, information is collected about the actions of visitors on the site in order to improve its content, improve the functionality of the site and, as a result, create high-quality content and services for its visitors.
    You can change your browser settings at any time so that the browser blocks all cookies or alerts you when cookies are being sent. Please note that some functions and services may not work properly and may result in the inability to access parts of the online store site that require authorization.

Protecting the security of your payment:

In order to protect you from fraud when paying with your MasterCard or Visa card, our website applies the best practices recommended by international organizations:

  1. Security during login and transfer of card data is ensured by using the SSL protocol to encrypt the connection between the server and the payment server of the service bank.
  2. The authenticity of the card is verified by checking the card verification value (CVV2)
  3. In addition, to identify you as a holder, the payment server of the bank that serves us supports the authentication schemes of the international payment card organization - “verified by VISA” and “MasterCard securecode” system, in case you are registered to use them.