
Available payment methods on our website :

Payment via PayPal:

Payment by international credit card:

• Payment by money transfer:

• Payment online by transfer to a Sberbank card:

When transferring money, commission fees are paid by the client.

Important! After paying for the order by money transfer, you must send us a confirmation form or the name of the money transfer operator, the transfer amount, as well as the first and last name of the transfer sender in Latin letters.

✗ If none of the above options suits you, contact us and we will select another payment method convenient for you.

Payment security is ensured by using the SSL protocol to transfer confidential information from the client for further processing. Further transfer of information is carried out through closed banking networks of the highest degree of security. Processing of the received confidential client data (card details, registration data, etc.) is carried out at the processing center. Thus, no one can obtain the client’s personal and banking data.

For any questions related to payment, you can contact us in the following ways:
• By sending us a message +972 54 643 5565
• By writing to us in online chat.
• By sending an email to:
• Or by filling out the form feedback "Contact us".