Holy Family Icon

Holy Family Icon

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Вес: 25 g

In the Holy Land of Jerusalem, this image has a special reverence and here it can be found in every church, temple and souvenir shop.

The icon "Holy Family" is the patroness of the family hearth. It reminds of what a real family should be, where there is love, mutual understanding, support and respect.

It is customary to give the icon "Holy Family" to:
🔸 Newlyweds - as a symbol of a happy marriage;
🔸 On the wedding anniversary - to preserve the integrity of the family;
🔸 On the birth of a child - so that this holy image protects the baby, gives strength and patience to parents in raising their children, and ward off all misfortunes in the family.

Pray to the Holy Family:
🔸 about the well-being of the family,
🔸 about the multiplication of love;
🔸 mutual understanding between spouses;
🔸 on the resolution of intra-family conflicts;
🔸 family preservation and protection from adultery.

But not only married couples turn to this image, people also come to it with requests for the gift of a wife or husband, with whom they can spend the rest of their lives in love and understanding.

The icon is made on a plastic basis, on the reverse side there is a leg and a hole for hanging the icon on the wall.

Size: 6 x 7.5 cm