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Вес: 25 g

Komboskinis are woven by monks on Athos - a land where prayer does not stop for a minute. They are woven from waxed wool thread, since sheep's wool reminds of Christ the “Good Shepherd”, and each knot consisting of 9 crossings of threads with a cross - of the nine ranks of Angels.

During the weaving process, the Monk reads a prayer that the person wearing it will find true faith in his soul, and the komboskini will protect him.

The combo skini size is universal. To put it on, you need to stretch the knots, bring your fingertips together and put the bracelet on your hand using rolling movements. Since the thread is waxed, the combo skini will take the shape of your wrist within the first 24 hours.

The color of the combo skini does not have any meaning - choose the one you like.

All combo skins are consecrated in Jerusalem in the Church of the Holy Sepulcher on the Stone of Confirmation!