Pilgrim Pack #5

Pilgrim Pack #5

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Вес: 160 g

A pilgrim's set from Jerusalem is the best gift for yourself and your loved ones who have not yet had time to visit the Holy Land.

This set includes :

Holy water from the Jordan River.
• From the holy land from Jerusalem.
Elei - blessed olive oil from the fruits of olive trees growing in Bethlehem.
• L adan.

Each element in the set was made in the Holy Land and carries all the warmth and grace of this place.

You can sprinkle your apartment, car with holy water, or use it during illness. It is generally accepted that it protects the house and its owners from evil, and bestows health and longevity.
✔ Oil is applied to the forehead in a cross shape during morning and evening prayer, as well as in case of illness. The healing properties of oil have been known for a long time; it saves from many skin problems, so it can also be applied to injured areas, praying for healing. Like holy water, oil can be added drop by drop to dishes on major church holidays to add a piece of grace to them.
✔ Pieces of incense are placed in a lamp that smolders in the Red corner near the icons. The smell of this substance has a calming effect on the nervous system, purifies the air and promotes mental alertness. It is recommended to use incense little by little and in a well-ventilated area, never leaving the lamp on overnight.
✔ The holy land from the pilgrim's set can be placed on a shelf near the icons or taken to the grave of a loved one.

The set was consecrated in the Church of the Holy Sepulcher on the Stone of Confirmation.