Red thread on the wrist: what does it mean and how to wear it?

The red thread is the main symbol and amulet against the evil eye, damage, and negative energy.
Its main function is to protect its owner, filtering all incoming negative energies and bad thoughts. 
The miraculous power of the Red Thread helps to improve life, relieve anxiety, make thoughts clearer, promotes making the right decisions and brings good luck. 

Origin of the Red Thread
The red thread on the hand is present in many cultures, including the ancient Slavic. 
There are a lot of stories about the Red Thread, but despite the differences associated with the cultural and religious characteristics of peoples, it is everywhere endowed with a special sacred meaning. 
Today the most popular thread comes from Israel and Kabbalah.
Not every thread has protective properties; a simple thread will not work in this case. 
The thread must be only red, and only wool... and it is necessary to undergo a special ceremony at the tomb of the prima mother Rachel.

Kabbalists connect the origin of the Red Thread with the biblical primate Rachel, the wife of Jacob. 
According to the teachings of Kabbalah, Rachel is one of the ancestors of the Jewish family, a symbol and embodiment of maternal love, sacrifice and protection. 
Rachel could not give birth to a child, and, according to adherents of Kabbalah, God gave her an amulet - the Red Thread. 
After this, the woman gave Jacob two sons. 

Ritual of illumination of the Red thread
The ceremony is carried out by followers of the teachings of Kabbalah. 
A skein of thread is wound 7 times around the tomb of the prima mother Rachel, which to this day is located near Bethlehem; at the same time they read a prayer, after which the thread becomes miraculous. This thread is then cut into small pieces. 
It is believed that during this ritual, the thread receives protective power from Rachel herself, who dedicated herself to protecting humanity.

Who can wear the Red Thread?
Absolutely anyone can wear a red thread, regardless of gender, age and religion.

Why does the thread have to be red?
For Kabbalists, the color red symbolizes vital energy and protection, so the thread must be red. 
The red color protects not only from external negativity, but also from internal ones. 

Why is the Red Thread worn on the left hand?
Kabbalists believe that everything negative penetrates a person through the left side (the right hand gives, the left receives). And the red thread tied on the wrist of the left hand is a kind of amulet that solves two problems at once: it does not release negative energy into a person and has a positive effect on fate.

How to tie a red thread on your wrist?
In order for the thread on your hand to become a talisman, it is important to meet several conditions:
✔ The person wearing it must sincerely believe in the miraculous properties of his amulet.
✔ The red thread should be tied on the wrist of the left hand.
✔ A loved one, relative or very close person should tie a red thread - someone you trust and who will not wish you harm.
✔ When tying a thread on your hand, you need to make 7 knots, each of which secures your desires for favorable changes in life. In this case, the thread should not compress the wrist, impeding the flow of blood.
✔ While tying, you must read the prayer “Ben Porat Yosef...” .

Prayer “Ben Porat Yosef...”:
“Ben porat yosef Ben porat alti ayin Hamalach hagoel oti mikol ra yivarech et han`arim v`yikarre bahem shmi v`shem avotai Avraham v`Yitschak v`yidgu larov b`kerev ha`aretz”
“Just as fish on earth are covered with water, and the evil eye has no power over them, so the evil eye has no power over the descendants of Joseph. An eye that does not covet what does not belong to it is not subject to the evil eye.”

What to do if the red thread is frayed or torn?
If your thread breaks, do not rush to interpret this as a bad omen. 
Rejoice! The thread fulfilled its purpose! 
This means that someone wanted to harm you, and the Red Thread took it upon itself, thereby protecting you from bad things.
You can tie the Red Thread again.

Our Red Thread underwent the obligatory ceremony of illumination at the grave of the ancestress of the peoples, Rachel, near Bethlehem.

Each thread comes with separate packaging, instructions and a prayer.

To purchase an original thread from Israel, follow the link.