The Undying Psalter

In the most difficult moments of his life, a person sometimes even unconsciously turns to God.

There is a wonderful practice of prayer called the Indestructible Psalter - this is a special kind of church prayer and it is called that because it is read around the clock, without interruptions.
This prayer consists of reading the ancient liturgical book of Psalms with the remembrance of living and deceased Orthodox Christians.

This prayer is prayed exclusively in monasteries and this prayer has unprecedented power.

  • The indefatigable Psalter is read only in monasteries, because monks voluntarily take upon themselves the heavy cross of prayer for the whole world. Monks have the special grace to beg the laity; they live by prayer. They renounce the world in order to stand for it in the prayer of love, and devote most of their time to it.
  • The Unfailing Psalter is read either in the church or in a prayer cell designated for this purpose not far from the temple. Next to the Psalter are special journals in which are written the names of all living and deceased Orthodox Christians for whom they asked to pray by ordering the Indestructible Psalter. After each "Glory" the monk opens these journals and lists the people mentioned there.
  • It is worth saying that you can give for the Undying Psalter, like any church request, with a note with the names of those who were baptized in the Orthodox Church and, if we are talking about prayer for the repose, then for those who did not commit suicide.
  • After reading each part of the kathisma, called “Glory” (each kathisma has three “Glories”), established prayers are said, depending on the memorial being read - About Health or About Repose. Such commemorations are designed to ensure that prayer for a person is constantly offered up. Thus, a person will be commemorated not once a day, but at every kathisma (there are kathismas in the Psalter 20).
  • It is called the Indestructible Psalter because the psalms are read around the clock. Usually almost all the monks of the monastery take part in this, replacing each other in turns. 
  • Reading the Incessant Psalter proceeds in silence, in a reverent mood and pacifies the soul.
  • Reading the Incessant Psalter joins us to the incessant angelic choir praising God together with the saints. The power of this continuous monastic prayer is confirmed by the experience of past centuries and our contemporaries.
  • When they pray for a person during this prayer, it protects him from evil demons, helps him in the fight against passions, heals him and attracts God’s grace. 

“And I will say to you: ask, and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you, for everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened” (Luke 11:9,10).

You can order a reading of the Indestructible Psalter, both for the living and for the departed, in the “Our Services” section or by following the link Indestructible Psalter