What icons are brought from the Holy Land?

What are the most popular icons brought home by Orthodox believers from Jerusalem?

ICON "Holy Family"
In the Holy Land of Jerusalem, this image has special veneration and here it can be found in every church, temple and souvenir shop.
The icon of the Mother of God with the baby Jesus Christ and her husband Joseph the Betrothed is intended to serve as a reminder of the inviolability of marriage bonds and to protect the family hearth, to bless for advice and love.
But not only married couples turn to this image, people also come to him with requests for the gift of a wife or husband with whom they can spend the rest of their lives in love and understanding.

The Jerusalem icon, according to legend, was painted by the holy evangelist Luke in the 15th year after the Ascension of the Lord in Gethsemane, that is, in the year 48. She became the first of seventy lifetime images of the Mother of God, painted by the Apostle Luke.
According to legend, the icon was blessed by the Mother of God herself and “Grace abides” to all who pray before it.

ICON OF THE “Bethlehem Mother of God”
A distinctive feature of this icon: the smile of the Mother of God. This is the only icon of the Mother of God in which the Blessed Virgin is depicted smiling.
The second name of the icon is “In Joy.” It is believed that the smile of the Most Holy Theotokos promises those praying before her hope for help, intercession and healing from illnesses.